Ravenswatch Wiki

Enemies are NPCs found in-game that are naturally hostile. Corrupted variants of enemies exist in-game, and are found at higher difficulty levels.

You will find here the list of enemies that can be encountered in each chapter from the first chapter to the third one.

You can also visit the bosses page if you want some more information concerning bosses.


Image Name Chapter Elite
Devouring Ghoul model Devouring Ghoul Chapter 1: The Dark Hills No
Slinging Ghoul model Sling Ghoul Chapter 1: The Dark Hills No
Festering Ghoul model Festering Ghoul Chapter 1: The Dark Hills Yes
Ent Root Treant Chapter 1: The Dark Hills No
Elite ent Clawed Treant Chapter 1: The Dark Hills No
Elite titan ent pfp Elite Lumbering Treant Chapter 1: The Dark Hills Yes
Assassin Cultist Fanatic Chapter 1 : The Dark Hills

Chapter 2 : Storm Island

Chapter 3 : Avalon

Healer Cultist Priest Chapter 1 : The Dark Hills

Chapter 2 : Storm Island

Chapter 3 : Avalon

Scyther Undead Hog Reaper Chapter 1: The Dark Hills No
Stabber Undead Hog Fisherman Chapter 1: The Dark Hills No
Elite undead hog Undead Hog Captain Chapter 1: The Dark Hills Yes
Ghost White Lady Chapter 1: The Dark Hills No
Wraith White Lady (Lantern) Chapter 1: The Dark Hills No
Banshee Elite White Lady Chapter 1: The Dark Hills Yes
Shrieker Scarecrow Chapter 1: The Dark Hills No
Elite shrieker Elite Scarecrow Chapter 1: The Dark Hills Yes
Spiderling Spiderling Chapter 1: The Dark Hills No
Poison spider Poison Spiderling Chapter 1: The Dark Hills No
Big spider Spider Nightmare Chapter 1 : The Dark Hills

Chapter 2 : Storm Island

Chapter 3 : Avalon

Nightmare tumor Tentacle Nightmare Chapter 1: The Dark Hills

Chapter 2 : Storm Island

Chapter 3 : Avalon

Nightmare worm Snake Nightmare Chapter 1: The Dark Hills Yes
Gnoll Chieftain Gnoll Chieftan Chapter 2: Storm Island Yes
Hunter Gnoll Hunter Gnoll Chapter 2: Storm Island No
Shielded Gnoll Shielded Gnoll Chapter 2: Storm Island No
Mud Crab Mud Crab Chapter 2: Storm Island No
Reef Crab Reef Crab Chapter 2: Storm Island No
Coral Crab Elite Coral Crab Chapter 2: Storm Island Yes
Question Evil Jinn Chapter 2: Storm Island Yes
Ifrit Jinn Ifrit Jinn Chapter 2: Storm Island No
Storm Jinn Storm Jinn Chapter 2: Storm Island No
Phoenix.png RocBird Phoenix Chapter 2: Storm Island Yes
Rocling RocBird Rocling Chapter 2: Storm Island No
Roc Egg Roc Egg / Phoenix Egg Chapter 2: Storm Island No
Wolf Juvenile Timber Wolf Chapter 3 : Avalon No
Adult Wolf Dire Wolf Chapter 3 : Avalon No
Alpha Wolf Alpha Wolf Chapter 3 : Avalon Yes
Apprentice Witch model Young Witch Chapter 3 : Avalon No
Crone Witch model Crone Witch Chapter 3 : Avalon No
Stake Witch model Stake Witch Chapter 3 : Avalon Yes
Bestial Gargoyle model Bestial Gargoyle Chapter 3 : Avalon No
Fire Gargoyle model Fire Gargoyle Chapter 3 : Avalon No
Blood Gargoyle model Blood Gargoyle Chapter 3 : Avalon Yes
Sword Knight Sword Knight Chapter 3 : Avalon No
Spear Knight Spear Knight Chapter 3 : Avalon No
Mage Knight Mage Knight Chapter 3 : Avalon Yes
Undead Swordman Undead Swordman Chapter 3 : Avalon No
The Summoner TBD TBD