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Melusine is one of the nine currently playable heroes in the Ravenswatch. Melusine the Siren commands the waters and uses them to infuse the will-o-wisps at her side to submerge those foolish enough to be caught within her captivating song.

Melusine was already a dangerous siren before the Nightmares impregnated her with a mysterious child. She uses powerful water magic and charming song to summon will-o-wisps to drown anyone with plans to harm her precious cargo. Melusine's atypical fighting style is unsettling to behold. Monsters, fill your ears with wax, lest the melodious mother fill your lungs with brine.

Melusine starts the game with 90 Maximum Health.


SirenCall TRAIT - Siren's Call:[]

  • Switch between SING STANCE and MOVE STANCE
  • SING STANCE casts a controllable WISP but immobilizes the Hero
  • MOVE STANCE revokes WISP and restores control to the Hero
    • In SING STANCE, DASH also revokes control of WISP
    • While exiting SING STANCE Melusine moves quickly for a brief moment

WispAttack ATTACK - Wisp Attack:[]

  • WISP suddenly dashes forward, dealing 21 damage to all enemies passed
  • Automatically enter SING STANCE when cast

Splatter POWER - Splatter:[]

  • WISP pulses a splash of water, dealing 50 damage to all enemies around
  • Automatically enter SING STANCE when cast

Torrent SPECIAL - Torrent:[]

  • Send waves of water forward, dealing up to 100 damage
    • Torrent can still be cast during SING STANCE and does not revoke control of WISP

Dive DEFENSE - Dive:[]

  • Dive into a pool of water, turning INTANGIBLE for a short time
  • Reemerge in MOVE STANCE

UnchainedMelody ULTIMATE 1 - Water Bomb:[]

  • Melusine wraps herself in a water sphere and turns INVINCIBLE
  • After a short time or if triggered, the sphere explodes and deals 400 damage to all nearby enemies

Wisp BalletULTIMATE 2 - Wisp Ballet: [Unlocks at Rank 6][]

  • Summon 6 autonomous WISPS that pursue and attack nearby enemies
  • After 4 seconds, the WISPS cast Splatter and then disappear
    • Melusine can still be damaged while channeling Wisp Ballet
    • Wisp Ballet can be cancelled early and its cooldown is proportional to the time it has been used (with a minimum of 10s)


Name: Upgrade type: Unlocked at: Effects: Changes per rarity:
Deep Beat Starting Unlocked by default For every 4 ATTACKS that hit an enemy, generate a blast all around that deals 100% of ATTACK’s damage
  • Counter resets when exiting SING STANCE
+20% of ATTACK's damage
Bewitching Song Starting Unlocked by default When entering SING STANCE, apply WEAK to all nearby enemies for 3 seconds +1 second
Sea Dance Starting Unlocked at Rank 2 In SING STANCE, CONTEXTUAL ACTION allows for quick teleportation to the WISP (5 seconds cooldown)
  • Performing this action in combat restores 8 Health to all nearby heroes
+2 Health + Hero Level
Spring Water Starting Unlocked at Rank 5 Each wave from SPECIAL that hits an enemy restores 2 Health to all Heroes within the wave +0.5 Health + Hero Level
Power Dive Standard Unlocked by default DEFENSE triggers POWER’s effect with a +20% damage increase when Melusine dives underwater +5% damage
Protective Flow Standard Unlocked by default Heroes passed by ATTACK gain 8 SHIELD for 6 seconds +3 SHIELD + Hero Level
Water Bubble Standard Unlocked by default After DEFENSE is triggered, Melusine is surrounded by a bubble for 4 seconds, absorbing one instance of damage
  • The bubble then explodes and deals 60 area damage
Underwater Predation Standard Unlocked by default Hold DEFENSE to move underwater
  • All enemies passed become VULNERABLE for 4 seconds
+1 second
Aftershock Standard Unlocked by default POWER leaves a water core at the casting location that triggers POWER again after 1.5 seconds for 40% of its damage +10% damage
Backwash Standard Unlocked by default When SPECIAL ends, add 3 additional waves coming backwards that deal 50% damage each +15% damage
Freezing Splash Standard Unlocked at default POWER applies CHILLED to hit enemies and gains +15% range +5% range
Tidal Wave Standard Unlocked by default SPECIAL’s waves are 20% wider and longer +5% wider and longer
Submerging Attack Standard Unlocked at Rank 2 ATTACK damage increases by 8% for each enemy hit (up to 6 hits, +48%)
  • Resets if Melusine takes damage or exits SING STANCE
+1% damage increase
Geyser Standard Unlocked at Rank 3 POWER deals +50% damage at its center +10% damage
Water Communion Standard Unlocked at Rank 3 DEFENSE clears SPECIAL’s cooldown and increases next SPECIAL’s damage within 3 seconds by +40% +10% damage
Soothing Presence Standard Unlocked at Rank 4 When in combat, passively heal 4 Health for all Heroes in the area every 5 seconds +1 Health + Hero Level
Razor Tail Standard Unlocked at Rank 4 DEFENSE makes Melusine strike with her tail, dealing 400% of ATTACK damage +100% of ATTACK damage
Wisp Surge Standard Unlocked at Rank 5 After casting SPECIAL, gain +40% ATTACK SPEED for 3 seconds +10% ATTACK SPEED
Waterlogging Standard Unlocked at Rank 7 WISP gains 2 growth charges for each wave of SPECIAL that hits it (up to a maximum of 12 charges)
  • Each charge increase the damage of the ATTACK by 20%, with each ATTACK consuming one charge
+5% damage increase
Final Burst Standard Unlocked at Rank 7 After 3 successful attacks, WISP explodes when it disappears, dealing 40 area damage
Shimmering Scales Standard Unlocked at Rank 8 In SING STANCE, Melusine gains temporary +4 ARMOR every second, up to a maximum of 40 +2 ARMOR
Enduring Wisp Standard Unlocked at Rank 8 When Melusine leaves SING STANCE, WISP remains active and automatically attacks surrounding enemies up to 4 times before then disappearing +1 more time(s)
Vortex Bomb Final ULTIMATE 1 ULTIMATE's water sphere attracts nearby enemies and deals 40 damage per second to enemies hit
Healing Blast Final Unlocked at Rank 9 ULTIMATE explosion restores 60 health to all Heroes around and grants them +5 REGENERATION +1 REGENERATION
Crescendo Final ULTIMATE 2 While ULTIMATE is channeled, Melusine gradually summons up to 3 additional WISPS +1 additional WISP
Overtone Singing Final Unlocked at Rank 9 When entering SING STANCE, Melusine casts an additional ULTIMATE autonomous WISP that deals 40% damage +10% damage


  • Melusine used to a have starter talent called "Dance Step" that allowed her to DASH while in SING STANCE, it was later reworked into "Sea Dance"
  • Melusine and Scarlet are the only heroes able to become INVINCIBLE
Hidden Outfit Water Brings Life
Reach +10k Healing and Shielding in a game Take Sea Dance or Spring Water as a Starting Talent then Protective Flow or Soothing Presence Talents and pick up any Magical Object(s) that increase healing and shielding. As long as Heal and Shield values add up to +10k, the outfit will be acquired whether the run is a victory or loss
  • Can be completed on any difficulty WITHOUT modifiers