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The 24/05/2023 a roleplay game included in the Ravenswatch universe was led during the charity event Battle4 on Twitch. You can access here (if the time link doesn't work it starts at 26:53:53) to the Twitch liveshow if you want to see it completely. WARNING this show is in French language that's why I'm doing a summary in English here for the non French speaking.

Introduction and Character's background[]

The roleplay game session was mastered by Red Fanny the Narrative Designer at Passtech Games and the short session staged 3 heroes :

The Beast

The Beast played by Julien Dutel. When defending his village, The Beast was bitten by a nightmare an he is not the same since. Due to that, her love The Beauty left their house and refuse to talk with him.


Tinker Bell played by Prune. With her sisters they were on the front line during the last nighmare's attack. The youngest was killed and the other sisters seriously injured. Tinker Bell's left wing was badly damaged after this battle.

Jack Frost

Jack Frost played by Lynkus. Jack always had frost powers but since a few time when he touches someone, the person is changed into ice without Jack having control on it. He decided to wear leather gloves, that he never removes, to avoid this issue.

Summary of the roleplay game session :[]

1) Introduction :[]

Nightmares are shapeless monsters that devour and corrupt everything on their way, corrupt the ground, attack villages and every creature they corrupt turn into a bloodthirsty monster. The villages of The Beast, Tinker Bell and Jack Frost were sometimes attacked by nightmares but everytime they manage to defeat the monsters, with remaining scars or worse. Due to those sufferings, the 3 heroes decided to fight againts the evil nightmares once and for all to put an end to this. They heard a rumour that a Tumour that gives birth to nighmatres was hidden in the black forest. Our heroes walked to the black forest's nearest village to start their mission and gather there in the Cold Bread and Butter's Inn.

On their way to the Inn, the 3 heroes noticed that the village was quite desolated and people concerned or affraid. They seem to have already been attacked by the nighmares recently. Entering the Cold Bread and Butter's Inn, they met the owner Cordelia, a cold and unpleasant woman to who they ask for some supplies. After bringing poor pieces of bread and ham, she asked for a decent amount of money explaining that food is rare currently. At this time agitation can be heard outside in the village. Willing to understand what was happening, The Beast came close to one the inn's barricaded windows trying to see what he could between the wood planks. Feeling something was coming, Codelia put out a hunting gun from her counter and a few seconds later the door suddenly shattered and a snake nighmare rushed into the inn. Rapidly, Jack Frost generated a frost staff and started to engage the creature, Clochette on her side got back a bit from the nightmare and equiped her crossbow. Triying to intimidate the snake, The Beast strongly held it by the throat and delivered a huge roar right in its face, but in return the creature mentally attacked him. Disturbed, The Beast let out a fed up ''Oh no..." and his body turned into its Human form. Finally after an intense fight, the Snake Nighmare changed its mind and decided to swiftly crawl towards Cordellia, grabbing her into its mouth and rushing out of the inn, the same way it came into.

Appreciating the end of this though situation, our heroes took the time to catch their breath and to prepare some supplies before venturing out of the inn. Following the dark tracks left by the Snake Nightmare, Jack Frost, Tinker Bell and The Beast head towards the dark forest, stepping out of the town where that all buildings were barricaded by the local inhabitants.

2) The Black Forest:

But the calm atmosphere ended out quicky the first step they made into the forest, being a bit out of focus Jack Frost find himself quickly tangled by living brambles and braches while the two others tryed to help him. Pissed off, Jack unleashed his frost power to liberate himself from the plants' embrace. A few time after they fell upon what remained of Cordelia, holding her last breath, her body slashed and her blood mixing with the dark ink coloured tracks that the Nighmares leave on their way. Confused and imbued by a vision of the Beauty instead of Codelia, The Beast threw himself on her body trying to apply some ointments to save her. Seeing her talking to him and saying that he abandonned her, the Beauty disapeared in The Beast mind to reveal that it was not her love that he was holding, but Cordelia's body, dead. Filled by rage, The Beast transformed again into his beat form and stepped away quicky while grabbing the hunting gun Cordelia still had in her hand.

After a time walking in the forest, the 3 heroes noticed a kind of smoke fading in the sky ahead. Following this way, they arrived in front of a strange house in the middle of the forest. Getting closer they faced the most beautiful building they had ever seen, its structure made in gingerbread, covered by some sweets, cakes and whipped cream, even glittering sometimes thanks to some sugar cristals.

To be completed
